Posted Date: 02/06/2025
Posted Date: 02/03/2025
Posted Date: 01/28/2025
Posted Date: 01/28/2025
Clarksville ISD Vision Statement
“Be all you can be at CISD.”
Clarksville ISD Mission Statement
“It is the mission of the Clarksville Independent School District in partnership with the community to develop life-long learners who become productive citizens in an ever-changing global society.”
CISD HOUSEHOLDS – Please apply for your P-EBT Benefits today! All household should be eligible due to the Districts CEP status. Please call Rebecca Segovia with any questions, 903-427-3891.
School districts who receive ESSER and/or ESSA federal funds are required to provide equitable services for eligible school children, teachers, and other educational personnel at registered private non-profit (PNP) schools that desire to participate. PNP schools located in Clarksville ISD should contact Dr. Marian Ellis, Superintendent at 903-427-3891, no later than August 1, 2023, for more information.
Current condition: broken clouds
Temperature: 65.7˚F
Feels Like: 66.15˚F
Wind Speeds: 12.88mph
Humidity: 89%
Probability of precipitation: %